Saturday, November 9, 2013

I'm back, bitches, and I have spray paint.

I know I haven't posted anything on here since March, and my excuse is, well, I've been busy. I also started another blog on Tumblr (, but frankly I miss the layout here at Blogspot. 

The legit excuse for not blogging is that I have been INCREDIBLY busy. Lots of amazing opportunities regarding my art have been popping up, including invites to be included in exhibitions and shows and lots of commissioned pieces and collaborations. We also just moved this past weekend into a new (to us) fabulous house from 1897 with lots of beautiful woodwork, stained glass windows, a spiral staircase and my own amazing studio with vaulted ceilings and enough space to create and paint and cut and saw willy-nilly.

I love interior decorating and infusing a home with creativity and personality, but I've got limited monetary resources (artist problems), so I've recently fallen into the Pinterest hole and been DIYing it up. This is what I look like when I build things:


...and here is a photo of my most glorious studio:

...and today, I bring you, jellyfish hat Halloween costume turned lighting fixture:

Step 1: dress as jellyfish for Halloween, get drunk.

Step 2: attach string, hang from ceiling as permanent fixture of your home.

Here is the original link to instructions for creating this gem:

Most importantly: I'm back, baby. Watch this space for lots of new artwork, funny quips and DIY up the wazoo.

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